Volver a Indice






Babbage, Charles

Passages from the Life of a Philosopher

Martin Campbell-Kelly Ed., NJ: IEEE Press, 1994.


Bewley, W.L. y T. L. Roberts, D. Schroit y W.L. Verplank

"Human factor on the design of Xerox's 8010 Star office workstation"

En Proceedings of CHI’83, 1983


Borst, Arno

The Ordering of Time: From the Ancient Computus to the Modern Computer

Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1993


Burke, Colin

Information and Secrecy: Vannevar Bush, Ultra, and the Other Memex.

Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1994


Bush, Vannevar

"As we may think"

En The Atlantic Monthly, julio 1945


Buxton, H.W.

Memoir of the Life and Labours of the Late Charles Babbage Esq

MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusets, 1988


Caddes, Carolyn

Portraits of Success: Impressions of Silicon Valley Pioneers

Tioga Publishing Co., Palo Alto, CA, 1986


Clapp, Doug y otros

The Macintosh Reader

Random House Electronic Publishing, New York, 1992


Clough, Bryan y Paul Mungo

Los piratas del chip. La mafia informática al desnudo.

Ediciones B, Barcelona 1992


Cringely, Robert X.

Accidental Empires

Williams Patrick/Addison Wesley, Reading MA, 1992


Engelbart, D.C. y W. K.English

"A Research Center for Augmenting Human Intellect"

En Proceedings of the FJCC 33 (1968).


Engelbart, D.C

"A conceptual Framework for the Augmentation of Man's Intellect"

En Vistas in Information Handling

Londres, VI Spartan Books, 1963


Greenia, Mark W.

Computers and Computing: History of Computing, A Chronology of the People and Machines that Made Computer History

(En disquete), Lexikon services publishing, Mayo 1995


Henderson, T.B. y D. F. Cobb, G. B. Cobb

Spreadsheet Software from Visicalc to 1-2-3

Indianapolis, Que Corp, 1983


Higgins, Steve

"3COM founder reflects on past, future"

En PC Week, junio 18, 1990


Hyman, Anthony

Charles Babbage: Pioneer of the Computer

Prenceton University Press, Princeton, 1983


Johnson, Jeff y otros

"The Xerox Star: A retrospective"

En Computer 22, nº 9 (setiembre 1989).


Kay, A.

"Inventing the Future (Computer Industry)"

En AI Business: The Commercial Uses of Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1984.


Kerns, D.T. y David A. Nadler

Prophets in the Dark

New York, HarperCollins Publishers, 1992


Lazere, Cathy, y Dennis Sasha

Out of their minds: the lives and discoveries of 15 great computer scientists

Dub-Copernicus, New Your 1995


Lee, J.A.N.

Computer Pioneers

Los Alamitos, Ca: IEEE Computer Society Press, 1994


Levitus Bob y Michael Fraase

Guide to the Macintosh underground. Mac culture from the inside

Hayden Books, Indianapolis, 1993


Levy, Steven

Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution

Anchor Press/Doubleday, Garden City, NY, 1984


Levy, Steven

Insanely Great

Penguin Books, New York, 1994


Linzmayer, Owen

The Mac Bathroom reader

SYBEX, San Francisco, 1994


Metcalfe, Robert M.

"How Ethernet Was Invented"

En Annals of the History of Computing, 16:4 (1994).


Nelson, Ted

Computer Lib/Dream Machines

Microsoft Press 1987


Nelson, Ted

Literary Maachines

Edición electrónica de OWL International, Inc. Bellevue Washington, 1987


Nelson, Ted

"On the Xanadu project"

En Byte volumen 15 (setiembre 1990)


Norman, Donald A.

The Design of Everyday Things

Basic Books, 1988


Nyce, James M. y Paul Kahn

"From Memex to Hypertext: Vannevar Bush and the Mind's Machine"

En Academic Press, 1991


Moseley, Maboth

Irascible Genius: a Life of Charles Babbage, Inventor

Hutchinson, Londres, 1964


Pitta, Julie

"Who and What Made Park an Industry Legend"

En Los Angeles Times, September 13, 1995


Preece, Jenny

Human-Computer Interaction

Addison-Wesley 1994


Prevost Babbage, Heny

Babbage's Calculating Engines: A Collection of Papers

Tomash, Los Angeles 1982


Ryan, Bob

"Dynabook Revisited with Alan Kay"

En Byte, vol 16, febrero 1991.


Saffo, Paul

"The Alto: Today's Technology Yesterday"

En Personal Computing, June 1989


Santa Clara Valley Historical Association

The making of Silicon Valley: A one hundred year renaissance

Ward Winslow Editor, 1995


Shneiderman, B.

Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction

2ª Edición, Addison-Wesley, 1992


Slater, Robert

Portraits in Silicon

MIT Press, Cambridge MA, 1987


Shirley, Robin

"Altair and After: The Original PC Revolution"

En Computer Resurrection: The Bulletin of the Computer Conservation Society, 5 (1993).


Smith, D. C. y otros

"Designing the Star User Interface".

En Byte , Abril 1982.


Smith, D. C. y otros

"The Star User Interface: An overview".

En AFIPS, 1982, National Computer Conference.


Smith, Douglas K. y Robert C. Alexander

Fumbling the Future: How Xerox Invented, Then Ignored, the First Personal Computer

Morrow, New York, 1988


Sutherland, Ivan E.

"Sketchpad - A Man-Machine Graphical Communication System"

En MIT Lincoln Laboratory Technical Report 196, 1963


Tesler, Larry

"The Legacy of the Lisa"

En MacWorld (Setiembre 1985).


Tognazzini, Bruce

Tog on software dessign

Addison Wesley Developers Press, New York, 1996


Zachary, G. Pascal

"The Godfather"

En Wired, noviembre 1997


Zientara, Marguerite

History of Computing: a Biographical Portrait of the Visionaries who Shaped the Destiny of the Computer Industry

CW Communications Inc., Framingham, Massachusetts, 1981


Young, Jeffrey S.

Steve Jobs: The Journey is the Reward

Scott, Foresman and Co., Glenview IL. 1988


En Internet:

"As we may think" de Vannebar Bush

"Project World Wide Web", el proyecto del CERN a iniciativa de Tim Berners-Lee

"Human factor on the design of Xerox's 8010 Star office workstation", los principios de trabajo de W. L. Bewley, T. L. Roberts, D. Schroit y W.L. Verplank en el PARC.

"Xanadu", el proyecto basado en el hipertexto de Ted Nelson

"Richmond Journal of Law & Technology" publicación con abundante información sobre el litigio entre Apple y Microsoft por el diseño del interface de Windows


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